. . & EVENTS
Sport of a Lifetime
Tennis is truly a "sport of a lifetime!" Above is 73-year-old Lubo Chobot, a tournament
player, with his competitive spirit as sharp as it was when he was a teenager and his
tennis savvy much, much greater, with all his experience. And he's still learning. Tennis
is like that.
Lubo is part of a large and growing crowd of true tennis veterans. At the Denny Cardinal
matches March 25-26 at Vancouver Lawn Tennis,
where Senior Men's teams from BC, Washington State and Oregon were competing, for example,
there were many 70-plus and 80-plus players.
Otto Bolzner and Jack Pedlar, second photo, represented BC in the 80-plus category, while
Gordon Verge and Lubo Chobot, fourth photo, were team-up for the 70-plus. In the third
photo, Warren Oliver, right, who represented Team Oregon in the 75-plus category, and Chuck
Underhill, Vancouver, who acted as the tournament director, pose for the
For young players, such veterans are a great inspiration, playing the game they love year
in and year out, year after year. Tennis is forever.
And the wining team? The State of Oregon with a total of 22 matches.
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