. . & EVENTS
Van Lawn Masters Indoor Tennis Championships - 2005
Don McCormick, above, serves to win the Masters Indoor Men's 50 event.
Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club once
again hosted a Masters tournament this year, April 15-24, with 276 entries and attracting
most of the BC's top senior players.
On Saturday, April 16, the club welcomed players with a social. Platters were laden with
oysters, vegetable salads, sushi and chicken, to name a few offerings. There was also a
delectable selection of desserts accompanied by fruit and cheeses. HSBC, the sponsor of the
event, and representatives of both
BCTENNIS.com and Tennis BC were among participants in the social.
The weather, meanwhile, played tricks on the tournament. Tournament players sweltered in
bubble where much of the play took place, while at the same time others swam in the
club pool and enjoyed outdoor tennis under a warm springtime sun. May we suggest that next
year Van Lawn schedule the tournament a few weeks earlier?
Van Lawn tournament organizers did an excellent job co-ordinating play and events, for
which muchas gracias on behalf of all the participants.